UHV unveils new school song

For the first time in the University of Houston-Victoria’s 45-year history, the university has an alma mater.
The school song was revealed during an event Wednesday morning at UHV Pyramid Row. Development of the alma mater started with UHV students, and the process became a collaborative effort between UHV students, faculty, staff and alumni who were part of an alma mater committee.
“UHV values the spirited, intimate atmosphere traditions create for the university,” UHV President Vic Morgan said. “Establishing traditions such as the alma mater helps bring students, faculty, staff, alumni and the Victoria community together in a positive way, and further build UHV’s identity as a great university that students want to attend.”
Developing an official UHV alma mater began in 2017 as a Student Government Association initiative, said Michael Wilkinson, director of UHV Student Life & Services.
“As the UHV Student Government Association advisor, I have the privilege of assisting our student leaders as they create new traditions on campus,” Wilkinson said. “It brings me joy to watch their ideas become a reality.”
The alma mater will be taught to new students during UHV’s welcome weekend, Jaguar Journey, Wilkinson said. It also will have a significant place at other key events throughout the academic school year, including UHV’s May 12 commencement ceremonies. Teaching new students the song as soon as they set foot on campus, and then reinforcing it throughout their time at UHV, will help cement the new tradition for years to come.
The alma mater is another tradition that ensures alumni would be proud of their UHV Jaguars' family, said Alvaro De La Cruz Student Government Association president.
“We started the process of the alma mater as a way to engage new students and alumni,” De La Cruz said. “We’re a set of students who are similar in that we’re all obtaining an education, but we’re different in our own way. Establishing this tradition brings UHV together, and it is a way to build that sense of community for everyone, past and present, to experience.”
UHV junior Cassie Cameron performed the new song at the UHV Alma Mater Reveal and will sing it at the May 12 UHV commencement ceremonies. Students, faculty, staff and community members were given a handout with the lyrics and sung along after Cameron. This was the first time the alma mater was sung in a public setting.
“When I was approached about singing the alma mater, I was nervous at first but extremely excited to do it,” Cameron said. “Tradition always breeds a homey feel, just like ones we have with our family on Christmas or other holidays. Traditions like this instill camaraderie at the university and with alumni.”
Here are the words to the new alma mater. It is sung to the tune of “Far Above Cayuga's Waters”:
UHV Alma Mater
Verse one:
Deep within the Golden Crescent,
Waves of roses bloom,
Stands our loyal Alma Mater,
Tall and strong and true.
We are Jaguars, hear our voices,
Fear our pride and might.
Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,
Roaring in the night.
Verse two:
Bless’d are those who came before us,
They who seized the day.
Sing in one acclaiming chorus,
Hail to U-H-V!”
The University of Houston-Victoria, located in the heart of the Coastal Bend region since 1973 in Victoria, Texas, offers courses leading to more than 80 academic programs in the schools of Arts & Sciences; Business Administration; and Education, Health Professions & Human Development. UHV provides face-to-face classes at its Victoria campus, as well as an instructional site in Katy, Texas, and online classes that students can take from anywhere. UHV supports the American Association of State Colleges and Universities Opportunities for All initiative to increase awareness about state colleges and universities and the important role they have in providing a high-quality and accessible education to an increasingly diverse student population, as well as contributing to regional and state economic development.
Ashley Strevel 361-570-4342